Thursday, March 24, 2011

islami jamiat talba

Jamiat Talba is a largest student organization in Pakistan. It is an independent organization of youth. Also known as the Jamiat ("jam-ee-at"), it is one of the oldest student organizations in Pakistan, founded on 23 December 1947 in Lahore, Pakistan. The organization has attempted to increase the decency among the public and glorify the image of Islam specially in colleges and university campuses across Pakistan. Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba is one of the very few organization in Pakistan that doesn't base itself on Caste or Race.[citation needed]
Islami Jamiat Talba has made many sacrifices for Islam and Pakistan[citation needed]. Islami Jamiat Talba believes in the oneness of God (Allah) and that Muhammad was the last prophet of Allah. Islami Jamiat Talba through his movement, succeeded to declare the Ahmadis (Qadianis) the non-Believers in the national law of Pakistan.[citation needed]
Islami Jamiat Talba Pakistan is working in Pakistan to eliminate the non-Islamic factors and the secularism from the curriculum and teachings of the educational institutions of Pakistan.
Islami Jamiat Talba's Central secretariat is located in Lahore, Pakistan. The postal address is 1-A Zaildar Park Ichra, Lahore.

[edit] History

Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba Pakistan, a students' organization, founded on 23 December 1947 in Lahore and after 64 years has become the largest students' organization in Pakistan. Jamiat has been striving for upholding the banner of Allah since its inception and its main emphasis has been at conversion of the society by preparing Islamic mindset among the nation, particularly in students.
Jamiat has a conviction that without the implementation of Islamic laws, the society can never be converted into Islamic culture and cannot be able to reflect the directions of Islamic teachings onto the world. Jamiat has always tried for the betterment of Pakistan regardless, whose ever is the ruler of Pakistan. Students are those who have been affected more by the infraction of rulers in many ways in Pakistan.
Therefore, many impediments and constraints came into various shapes in the way of Jamiat to avert it to move further from its aristocratic mission of Islamization like the ban on students' union in academic institutions which was a main source to develop influence of students. But, fortunately, Jamiat has succeeded to move forward with its global mission of Islamization. The students have abominated the bars produced by the rulers because it was due to the thought that students be avoided to involve in issues relating political concerns and national interests of the country. Hence, yet, our universities are unable to restore ban on students' union despite the honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan has adjourned through its landmark decision to make necessary arrangements for students' elections in the universities and colleges of Pakistan.
Now, Islami Jamiat-e- Talaba is the biggest organization amongst students in Pakistan. It has never deviated from its basic mission and goal of establishment of an Islamic Society, which guarantees peace, justice, employment, prosperity, education, health and social security for its inhabitants. This is a consequence of Jamiat's endeavor that many of its accomplices have presented their immolation in Kashmir, Afghanistan and in Pakistan against the rival forces.
Islami Jamiat Talaba has been trying to save the youths from astray, delinquency, obscenity by showing them a path of righteousness and good deeds for the sake of infinite hereafter and the success in this worldly life. This is because of view that only youths could play decisive role in any revolution because of the historical fact that revolutions come with the help of young and dynamic factor and this is an obligation for revolution that a big part of its followers and associates shall follow ethics and morals.
Jamiat is a trend setter[citation needed] in regard to that it fractionated the effects of left and secular lobbies in educational institutions of Pakistan since the decade of 80's, subsequently these lobbies are in a desperate plight to defend itself in the academic institutions within the entity of Pakistan. Therefore, Jamiat's endeavor is widely acclaimed in every element of life including ulemas, teachers, students, intellectuals, politicians and those who belong to Pakistan's defense.

[edit] Foundation

According to Zafarullah Khan, the importance of an Islamic student body was being realized through all over the subcontinent before Partition. In 1945, he himself organized fifty students, literate them by making them study Islamic books and made them work under the banner of student body named “Majlis-e- Tameer-e-Afkaar-e-Islami” In May,1947 the students from all over the subcontinent (Indo-Pak) gathered in Darusalam, Pathankot and after discussion, and was decided that in the vacation of August, an All India convention of Islamic minded students would be arranged in Delhi and a new organization would be formed but on 3 June 1947 Partition plan was announced and it was not possible to organize such organization in such circumstances.
Zafarullah Khan: After the creation of Pakistan, in November 1947 he and his companions decided to organize the student body and contacted many students through out the country. And later it was announced through newspapers that on 21 December 1947 the Islam loving students would gather in Lahore. As a result twenty five students attended the convention. And Islami Jamiat Talaba was formed on 23 December 1947.
The first Convention: The first Convention continued till three days (21 December to 23 December). In this convention, the participants told their past performance as they were already working in their colleges for Islamic cause. They told each other that how they were working and after long discussions, the future program was decided. In this convention, Maulana Syed Abu-al-Aala Maududi, Naeem Siddique, Abdul Majeed Qureshi addressed to participants and explained them the various aspects of Islam and also the role of the students for Islamic cause. On the last day of the convention, the formation of new student organization named Islami Jamiat Talaba was announced.
The Name (Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba): On the last day of founding convention, the last speaker was Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi. Before his address, the topic of discussion was the “Name” of future organization. The question was asked before Maulana Maududi and his reply was that the name may be “Anjuman –e- Naujawanan-e-Islam”. But the participants did not accept this proposal and discussion about the name proceed. During this discussion, Maulana Nasrullah Khan Aziz (Late) asked about the problem. Participants told him about the problem and said that the name should be such that in it “talaba(student)”, “Ijtimayat(organization)” and Islam, all three must appear. He replied that then the name should be “Islami Jamiat Talaba” and all the participants accepted it with joy and then it was decided that all the participants of the convention would be the members of newly born organization.

[edit] Leadership

[edit] Former Presidents

[edit] Criticism

Jamiat has been widely criticized by many landlords, secularists, regionists, ethnic parties and military supported parties in Pakistan[citation needed]. Its stronghold in Karachi and Lahore educational institutes has led to many violent outbursts. One of the accusations made of Jamiat is that IJT portrays themselves as student foundation but is mostly political directed by Jamat-e-Islami (JI), one of dominant parties in Pakistan. Jamiat (IJT) and Jamat (JI) are two separate organizations and have disagreed on many occasions of political upheaval in Pakistan. The similar objective and the close ideology because of Maulana Mawdudi, Jamiat seems to be a student organization of Jamat e islami. Jamiat (IJT) is also critised for spreading talibanization and extremism by their hateful literature against the west and secularism. Their slogans "Yahodiyon ka ik ilaaj! Al Jahad Al Jahad!" means "Jews have only one cure that is war" show their extremists mentality. They recently murdered a student named Adnan Abdul Qadir in University of Engineering and Technology for listening to music which was not

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